
At, we use the finest Premium materials. Leather from Italy. Wool from the United Kingdom. We seek out the best for you, and using our strict quality control and close collaboration with our own Sax ProShop, we are able to bring you the best possible pad. Period.

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saxophone pads
Neo Pads


From start to finish you will find that Neo Pads are the most time saving invention in saxophone repair history! This technology was developed in the Sax ProShop at MusicMedic to save time for technicians and provide instant response for players of all types.

If you have ever been frustrated by the process of padding a saxophone, Neo Pads are for you. Neo Pads install in seconds with no further work needed. The Neo Pad utilizes patent pending self-leveling technology to level itself to the tone hole instantly, and hold the pad in its ideal orientation for instant response.

tan pads


These are the finest Tan saxophone pads available. After the firm woven felt and leather are tested for consistency and quality, each pad cut then hand assembled using only the finest skins and stable woven felt. The result is a superior quality saxophone pad.

soft feel


These pads are very forgiving and easy to install, but maintain the superior quality standards of all woodwind pads. Our Soft Feel pads are made from the same high quality materials as the Standard Tan pads but they contain medium soft woven felt instead of firm woven felt. The result is a superior quality saxophone pad with a softer feel than that of our Standard Feel pads.

Technicians looking for a softer pad for the closed keys such as Low Eb, Low C#, G#, etc. now have an option that doesn't require putting a different color or thickness on the horn. The Soft Feel pads will also take an impression more easily for those situations where tone hole leveling is not an option.

soft feel thick


Our Soft Feel line of Saxophone pads are made from the same high quality materials as our standard Saxophone pads.

During the manufacturing process we perform stringent quality checks to ensure a consistent, reliable pad that meets strict tolerances. The goal is always to produce a pad that is stable and easy to use that will last for years.

The Soft Feel pads contain a medium soft woven felt instead of our firm woven felt. The result is a superior quality saxophone pad with a softer feel than that of our Standard Feel pads. These pads are very forgiving and easy to install, but maintain the high-quality standards of all woodwind pads.

sax gourmet


We are honored to present the saxophone pad designed by world famous saxophone repairman Steve Goodson of

Each pad is hand-assembled and quality checked in our shop in Wilmington, North Carolina, USA. RooPads™ are used by professional saxophonists all over the world, including RooPads™ endorsing artists, James Carter, Dave Watson, the Mana Quartet, Ken Coon of the Rascher Saxophone Quarter, Paquito D'Rivera and many others!


sax gourmet

In 2001, we set out to create the best professional grade saxophone pads in the world and RooPads™ were born. Kangaroo leather is one of the strongest light weight leathers available, which contains highly uniform fibers and elastin’s throughout the skin thickness. This structural uniformity explains the greater tensile strength of the leather, resulting in amazing abrasion and tear resistance.

The first layer in RooPads™ is kangaroo leather that has been tanned according to our exact specifications and imported from Australia. Next, we import the finest felt from Europe to achieve an even, firm feel that remains stable in dry and damp climates. The backing of the pad is a consistent and rigid cardboard that grips the shellac or adhesive in the pad cup. Each pad is hand-assembled and quality checked in our shop in Wilmington, North Carolina, USA.

Why are RooPads™ better?

RooPads™ don't stick! (isn't that enough?)

RooPads™ reduce pad noise

RooPads™ offer a firm professional feel

RooPads™ leather is the most durable

RooPads™ are used by professional saxophonists all over the world, including RooPads™ endorsing artists, James Carter, Dave Watson, the Mana Quartet, Ken Coon of the Rascher Saxophone Quarter, Paquito D'Rivera and many others!

RooPad Printable Here


EXTREME PADS EXTREME pads are the next evolution in saxophone pad technology. They are called EXTREME because every variable related to pad life, pad sealing, and pad function have been taken into account. EXTREME pads offer EXTREME air tightness, EXTREME water resistance, EXTREME long life, and a solid firm feel.

The secret is in the layers:

EXTREME pads consist of a synthetic mesh, our custom synthetic felt, a layer of treated air and water tight leather all held perfectly between our premium leathers and consistent chip board backing. The first layer, the backing, is a high-quality paper board which bears the name EXTREME. Chosen for its rigidity and consistency, EXTREME backing has the important job of gripping the shellac as well as hiding the magic that happens inside every EXTREME pad. The next layer, the outer leather surface of the pad is the interface between the EXTREME pad and the instrument. This is the only difference between the various EXTREME pads. You can choose to have a RooPad EXTREME where the outer skin surface is kangaroo in white, black (SaxGourmet) or Chocolate Roo.

It's what's inside that counts:

Now that you know what's on the top and bottom of an EXTREME pad, let's look at the three layers inside that make EXTREME pads so extremely air and water tight and consistent. Directly under the leather cover is a sheet of treated leather which is adhered to the synthetic felt. These are EXTREME pads so even this leather hidden inside the pad is our ultra-premium imported lambskin. The skin is treated with a synthetic, hydrophobic material that not only creates an impenetrable moisture barrier, but it also seals the pores of this leather layer, making the pad extremely air and water tight.

Our Felt that doesn't care what you do:

Although the felt underneath the treated leather layer will most likely never get wet, our special synthetic felt doesn't care if it did. This felt remains dimensionally stable whether it's basking in the Texas sun or playing the blues in the moist Mississippi Delta. Wet, dry, hot, cold: this custom treated felt retains the same feel, size, and long life no matter what. Even so, we protect it with two layers of leather and our premium synthetic water treatment. After all, these are EXTREME pads, and they're extremely consistent in every way.

Because saxophone pad cups vary in depth per saxophone make, model, size, and location on the instrument, pads need to vary in thickness as well. Traditionally in our industry, the pad depth is changed with the thickness of the felt or the thickness of the chipboard backing. Although we can cut our synthetic felt to the proper thickness at our shop, we found that changing the thickness of pad by changing the felt produces a pad that is inconsistent in feel. A thicker felt made the pad feel softer, and conversely, the thinner felt made the pad feel harder. This changes the feel for both the player and the installer. Likewise when varying the thickness of the chipboard backing, we found that it greatly affected the way the pads were installed, with thicker backing yielding harder pads and thinner backing yielding a softer pad. Since many saxophones are built with thicker pads in the bottom stack and thinner pads in the top stack, we needed to find a way to remove this inconsistency and give the EXTREME pads an EXTREME consistency to the player and the technician. After research and testing, we developed an industry-changing technique to change pad thickness. Our new technique allows pads of all thickness to feel exactly the same, both in terms of hardness to the player and in flexibility to the installer. To achieve this EXTREME consistency in feel, we use a thin and stable mesh between the felt and the chipboard backing. This flexible mesh changes the thickness of the pad and does not change the feel at all.

EXTREME pads are the finest sax pads available and they are 100% guaranteed. If you don't like anything about EXTREME pads up to one year after your purchase them, just return them in any condition, new or used, and we will issue you a 100% refund.

clarinet pads
thin pressed clarinet


These Thin Pressed Clarinet pads use the same premium materials as our popular deep-weave™ pressed felt clarinet pads. Many technicians have told us that these pads are excellent not only for clarinet but for oboe as well. If you need an ultra thin clarinet pad with a square edge you will love this pad.

medium pressed clarinet


After much research and development we are proud to offer a professional quality pressed felt clarinet pad. The deep-weave™ pressed felt in these pads was designed exclusively for's use in this Clarinet pad. The felt is firm, flat and holds its shape very well, yet will take an impression to seal on the tone hole nicely. Unlike other pressed felts used for making woodwind pads, the fibers in our pressed felt are lined up parallel during the manufacturing process. This deep alignment of fibers keeps our felt consistent with little or no expansion yet allows us to independently control a pads rebound and its ability to take an impression. With this control we designed a felt that will not 'bottom out' yet will still take a seat. Don't be surprised by our very reasonable price, this is an excellent clarinet pad for professional results. Thanks to all of our pro clarinet techs who tested these pads before production.

medium woven clarinet


These medium thickness Clarinet pads are high quality pads available at a very reasonable price. Many of our customers use this pad to maintain their rental fleets or for everyday use in the repair shop. These Clarinet pads have a firm even Woven Felt and a Double White Goldbeater Skin.

roopads clarinet


For years saxophonists around the world have enjoyed the benefits of RooPads™. The Kangaroo leather for these pads is meticulously inspected, cut and hand selected by us here at Only the finest portions of the skin are used. The final results are of superior quality to any other woodwind pad on the market. Kangaroo leather has proven to be the preferable choice for saxophone pads due to its durability and suppleness. It also doesn't stick and drastically reduces pad noise. These characteristics make kangaroo leather ideal for Clarinet pads as well. RooPads for Clarinet are made with our proprietary premium pressed felt that, unlike other felt, doesn't expand when wet. This makes for a flat and firm pad that remains stable and consistent for years to come. The felt is covered with a layer of high quality bladder that is water-resistant and keeps the already stable felt dry. The thin outer layer of kangaroo leather over cardboard rounds up this excellent pad and allows for an easy installation and incredibly long life. The result is an airtight pad clarinet players will love. Thickness: 3.1-3.2mm

RooPad Printable Here
tan bass clarinet


These Bass Clarinet pads were developed in our shop with the help of world renowned Bass Clarinet technicians. You will enjoy the firm, flat face of these pads. the Bass Clarinet pads are hand made from the finest materials available anywhere. Tan Bass Clarinet pads have a kid leather surface and our premium deep-weave™ pressed felt. You will not find a finer Bass Clarinet pad available anywhere at any price. Thickness .138" (3.5mm)

roopads bass clarinet


For years saxophonists around the world have enjoyed the benefits of RooPads™. The Kangaroo leather for these pads is meticulously inspected, cut and hand selected by us here at Only the finest portions of the skin are used. The final results are of superior quality to any other woodwind pad on the market.

The famous RooPad leather and its superior feel, strength, longevity and non-stickiness are now available for Bass Clarinet, and we have taken the quality up a notch! This pad is constructed to be flat and consistent while offering some forgiveness where the tone hole is concerned. This amazing result is obtained by the entire pad from the bottom up:

First, we use a very firm chipboard backing that holds the pad felt level and true. We then stack on our deep-weave™ pressed felt which is incredibly consistent and flat. For air and water tightness, we wrap the pad in a layer of bladder skin much like our standard clarinet pads. Around this firm and consistent base, we wrap a very thin layer of our famous RooPad leather. Because our RooPad leather is so strong, it can be cut very thin for a tight and square fit. This rigorous process has allowed us to produce a pad worthy of the name RooPads. We are very proud to offer this product to the Bass Clarinet world and we know that you will love the results! Thickness: 3.5mm

clarinet pads
pressed flute


The Premiere 2.5mm Pressed Flute Pads are's first professional offering for flutes. These yellow double skin pads are made with our super premium Deep-Weave pressed felt. These pads are highly stable, extremely flat, and have just the right amount of firmness for most professional players.



These pads have firm woven felt and Double Yellow Goldbeater Skin. These pads are consistent in their size and level in their contacting surface.



These pads have firm woven felt and Double Yellow Goldbeater Skin. Thickness .0825" (2.1mm)

roopad piccolo


RooPads™ for Piccolo are one of the most exciting pads to come out of our Pad Company. Saxophonists and clarinetists have been able to experience the long lasting and consistently great results of RooPads™ for many years now, but it took some time training specialists within our Pad Company to be able to offer them for Piccolo. These tiny pads must be hand assembled within an extremely narrow margin, and we are proud to say that the RooPads™ for Piccolo are just as consistent and premium quality as the rest of the line.